Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

Introduction 6
Legislation and Guidance 6
Ethos and Belief 9
Curriculum Drivers 10
Our Flower: a visual representation of the curriculum vision 15
Our Reflective Approach to Pedagogy, Standards and Curriculum Design 17
Implementation: Planning and Curriculum 19
Implementation: Curriculum Maps 19
Implementation: Banded Curriculum 19
Implementation: The Broad Areas of Need (DFE 2015) 21
Implementation: School theme 22
Implementation: The Curriculum across Key Stages 23
Key stage 2 and 3: Our Broad Areas for Learning 23
Key stage 4: Our Broad Areas for Learning 25
Key stage 5: Our Broad Areas for Learning 25
Relationships and Sex Education 29
Implementation: Qualification Offer 29
Implementation: Qualifications Offer 31
Implementation: KS4 & KS5 Pathways for specific subjects 32
Implementation: KS4 & KS5 Pathways for specific subjects 33
Implementation: Maximising opportunities 34
The Continuous Curriculum (Waking Day / 24 hour Curriculum) 34
Further enrichment and SMSC 34
Enrichment Pathways 35
A Measure of success 36
Assessment 38
Evidence for Learning 38
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) 39
Roles and Responsibilities 40
The Governing Board 40
The Head Teacher 42
The Assistant Head Teacher 42
The Pastoral Deputy Head 43
Teachers and Tutors 44
Appendix I - Overley Hall Therapy Offer 45
Speech and Language Therapy 45
Occupational Therapy 46
Clinical Psychology 47
Learning Co-ordinator (LC) 48
Tutor 48
Appendix II - Introduction to Therapies and Interventions offered at Overley Hall 49
Speech and Language Therapy 48
Therapy Play 49
Zones of Regulation 49
Lego Therapy 50
Aided Language Stimulation 50
Social Skills 51
Theraplay 51
Principle of TEACCH 52
Social Stories 53
Comic Strip Conversations 53
Total Communication Approach 53
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 54
Attention Autism (Gina Davies) 55
Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration 55
Comprehensive Autism Planning Schedule (CAPS) 57
Nurture Me 57
Positive Support Plans 57
Four Levels of De-briefing 58
Principles of PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy) 58
Person Centred Development (PCD) 58
Music Therapy 59
Forest School 59
Intensive Interaction 60
Appendix III - References 61
Appendix IV 62
Appendix V 63
Appendix VI - Key stage 2 and 3: Our Broad Areas of Assessment 64
Key stage 4: Our Broad Areas of Assessment 64
Appendix VII - Classes 65
Appendix VIII - Response to Pandemics (COVID-19) 68