Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

7 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 AIMS Through the curriculum offered at Overley Hall we aim for all young people to move on as respectful, skilful, ambitious citizens with a love or thirst for learning and a love for life and all it has to offer. Our curriculum aims include: Achieving outstanding end points. Reducing anxiety. Developing key life skills across different curricular areas. Equipping young people for their next destination to be able to use a more ‘functional level of communication’ across different contexts and settings. Providing each young person with their own tool box of communication strategies that enables them to make choices, express themselves, and have greater level of understanding about what is right and wrong (according to British values and society). Offering achievable strategies to regulate emotion, think more independently and solve problems with reduced reliance on others. Providing extensive opportunities to build resilience and tolerance, and in turn to become more accepting of differences and to achieve greater harmony. Enabling experiences of what it feels like to thrive, becoming more confident, self-aware, content and proud of who they are. Creating a positive attitude towards learning. Allowing a wealth of opportunities for positive interaction and many experiences of being kind, safe and friendly with others. Delivering a curriculum that ensures equal access to all by meeting each learner at their unique starting point so enabling appropriate levels of challenge and support. Thus, building knowledge and skills so they can reach their full potential. Teaching how to manage (to the best of their ability) unexpected change and make transitions both small and large with minimal support.