Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

67 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Appendix VIII - Response to Pandemics (COVID-19) We recognise that the needs of learners and staff may change during a pandemic, however, as always, we will reflect, respond and adapt to ensure our INTENT remains integral to our provision. We will continue to seize and maximise all possible learning opportunities to ensure best outcomes. During such difficult times however, we must recognise the need for flexibility during IMPLEMENTATION in response to the changing world. As well as prioritising academic requirements, the impact of a pandemic will also require greater emphasis around the emotional aspects of our INTENT, ensuring our learners’ mental health needs are addressed so they can continue to flourish. During a pandemic Overley Hall School will plan for all possible scenarios to ensure the safety and wellbeing of learners, whilst also placing an emphasis around the continuation of the curriculum offer. Due to the nature of our young people and our setting, the school will endeavour to remain open, offering the structure and approach needed to maintain progress towards their Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), through continued focus on the Broad Areas of Need and through our Curriculum Drivers. The continuation of a therapeutic and person centred approach will always steer and support IMPLEMENTATION and be deemed paramount. Changes may involve: • More emphasis being placed on Wellbeing and Mental Health, ensuring all activities enhance regulation and engagement with an ‘open door’ to access learning. • Prioritising access to core subjects including PSHE and Computing. • Greater weighting being placed on interest led / child led learning. • A more tailored enrichment programme of study. • Offering learning form a remote perspective where learners are unable to access the school environment (please see Remote Learning Policy). • Adhering to Safeguarding requirements (KCSIE 2020) with the inclusion of regular and consistent therapeutic support for families, staff and learners who are required to isolate or who are unable to access the school. • Considering each learner from an individual perspective where personal needs, safety and educational access are assessed to enable appropriate actions and plans moving forward.