Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

65 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Work Experience/related – tuck Shop, farm shop, coffee mornings; Enrichment opportunities - Drama & Dance Careers, Photography; Developing independent thinking, building self-esteem and confidence; Aspirational College Courses attended at Wyldewoods; PACE approach Sensory regulatory strategies; Therapy Play; Zones of Regulation. Family Fischer Trust; Scerts; Boxall. Birch 4 The Holistic Approach EHCP Target Driven; Full National Curriculum with greater emphasis places on core subjects; Social Skills, developing selfregulation; Communication Skills OCR Life and Living Skills; Cross Curricular Approach; Forest School; Theraplay Therapy play activities; Personal safety; Resilience; Developing emotional wellbeing; EHCP Outcomes; Themes; Zones of Regulation; High Structure; Group work; Desk top activities; Enrichment opportunities throughout the week; PACE approach; Therapy play; Attention Autism. Outcome based Banded Curriculum Assessment: Continuum, prompting and generalisation assessment – CPG across the curriculum; English, Maths Science, Computing and PSHE 5 Point Scale; SCERTS; Boxall Attention Autism; OCR and AQA units – by outcome & CPG set against learning objectives; AQA Unit Awards; Internal Certificates; OCR Awards, Life and Living Skills: Award, Certificates, Diploma; Holly 5 Increasing independence. A person centred development approach developing vocational and life skills Increasing involvement; 6th Form EHCP outcome driven; Option based work - with Vocational emphasis; Forest School, Gardening/workshop, physical education, food technology, art and design, OCR - Life and Living Skills Work experience; Focus on developing communication, interaction, attentiveness, selfregulation; Careers; Community based work; Group and Individualised enrichment; Multisensory approach and delivery; High degree of structure, routine, predictability; Total communication approach; PACE approach Therapy play; Attention Autism. Outcome based Banded Curriculum Assessment: Continuum, prompting and generalisation assessment – CPG across the curriculum; PSHE Functional Literacy and Numeracy; Attention Autism SCERTS; Boxall; OCR and all other subjects – CPG; AQA Unit Awards; OCR Life and Living skills: Award, Certificate, Diploma; Any external accredited courses.