Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

58 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Music Therapy Music can help us connect with ourselves and others. Music can stir memories and powerfully resonate with our feelings, helping us to express them and communicate with others. Music is used to support the development of interaction, communication, and response and uses these connections to facilitate positive changes in emotional wellbeing via live musical interaction. Through music therapy we aim to improve attention, improve self-confidence, and enhance self-awareness and awareness of others. Forest School (Forest Schools Education was founded by Sarah Blackwell in 2001) Overley Hall School is naturally set in twelve acres of beautiful woodlands. For those seeking peace and calm, we have a cycle path/footpath, fondly known as Tweet Street, which meanders through the woods and is lined with rustic bird houses. Here, you will also see a multitude of natural and man-made habitats supporting our wildlife neighbours. Realising how important the outdoors is to our children for so many reasons, we have ensured our curriculum includes standalone sessions of Forest School delivered by specialist staff. Staff and children benefit from our well established pond and outdoor classroom and can often be seen enjoying snacks cooked in our purpose built earth oven. Our extensive gardens offer an abundance of seasonal floral colour, fruits and vegetables. Our horticultural area has a spacious green house, several poly tunnels and an allotment where produce is grown throughout the year. The fruit and vegetables are harvested and used in our kitchen and enjoyed in our cookery lessons or sold in our farm shop. Forest School is a child-centred, engaging learning process. It offers opportunities for holistic development through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports curiosity and play, exploration and planned & supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.