Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

51 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Principle of TEACCH According to the National Autistic Society the principles of the TEACCH Autism Program include: • ‘focusing on the person, their skills, interests and needs’ • ’understanding the ‘culture of autism’ and identifying differences based on individualised assessments’ • ’using visual structures to organise the environment and tasks when teaching skills’ • ’being broad-based, i.e., support people at work, teach skills but also ensure that people are supported during leisure and/or social activities’ • ’being flexible and teaching flexibility’. The National Autistic Society also highlight the TEACCH Values: SCERTS SCERT’s (social communication, emotional regulation and transactional support) (Prizant et al, 2003) is a research-based educational framework that is used when working with children and young people on the autism spectrum. It addresses the core deficits faced by individuals on the spectrum and their families. The assessment gathers detailed information on a learners social communication skills, their ability to regulate their emotions and the transactional support provided by the individuals that TEACCH Values T Teaching sharing autism knowledge and increasing the skill level of professionals and practitioners. E Expanding increasing own knowledge to provide high-quality services to autistic people and their families. A Appreciating appreciating the strengths and uniqueness of autistic culture. C Collaborating with colleagues, other professionals, autistic people and their families. C Cooperating with colleagues, other professionals, autistic people and their families. H Holistic adopting a holistic approach, looking at the person, their family and community.