Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

47 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Provide training and ongoing support and guidance. Provide training to parents if required to help consistency in strategies. Provide emotional support to parents and carers. Offer ‘Brad Time’ for people who require talking time with a psychological focus. Learning Co-ordinator (LC) The LC will: Provide a weekly person-centred development session within the classroom. This will address identified specific needs, at that moment in time, along with EHCP outcomes. Provide support and strategies for staff in both education and care, ensuring a SMART approach is taken, whilst measuring their impact. Provide support and guidance and to be a point of contact for parents. Deliver a weekly Therapy Play session delivered in both education and care. These sessions are supported by the Speech and Language Therapist, Therapy Assistant, Learning Coordinator and the Occupational Therapist. The sessions involve multi-sensory explorative play, incorporating a range of equipment, sensory media and strategies to promote sensory awareness, arousal and registration. Observations and assessments are completed by the Clinical Psychologist during these sessions. Offer individual Theraplay sessions when required. Tutor The tutor of the Nurture Group (Oak) is a qualified instructor of ‘Attention Autism’ as created by Gina Davies. This is an intervention which brings about attention skills and focus in which staff are trained to deliver. In conclusion, Overley Hall School is young person centred in every aspect of its approach. Therapy is at the heart of all planning, implementation and curriculum design, with intensity and quality of engagement as a spotlight marker for success. This therapeutic approach ensures young people make very good progress, linked to their holistic needs and enables them to benefit from a breadth of learning opportunity.