Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

43 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Promote and evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s behaviour policy and strategies. Monitor and ensure the continuous improvement of pupil attendance. Analyse whole-school data on attendance, behaviour, exclusions and wellbeing to inform future improvement strategies. Teachers and Tutors All teachers and tutors will: Ensure the intent, aims, and core values of the Curriculum are fully embedded in its planning and delivery. Provide a Curriculum where content is contextualised, to enable it to come alive to our learners. Plan and deliver lessons which help promote an ‘engaged’ relationship with the Curriculum content. Build lessons that develop interest and curiosity through a range of opportunities such as ‘real-life’ learning and ‘hands-on’ practical activities. Ensure emphasis is placed on the development of the individual needs of learners; as outlined in the ‘Broad Areas of Need’, EHCP and Individual Education Plans. Demonstrate an array of person-centred approaches, maximising learning opportunities. Measure the impact of their own planning and implementation, evidence the small steps of learning and ensure any gaps across the Curriculum are addressed.