Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

42 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Establish and sustain high-quality teaching across subjects and phases, based on gathered evidence. Ensure the aims of the Curriculum Policy are being implemented. Ensure the teaching of a broad, structured and cohesive curriculum. Establish curriculum leadership. This is to include subject leaders with relevant expertise and access to professional networks and communities. Use valid, reliable and proportionate approaches for assessing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. Ensure the use of evidence-informed approaches are used throughout the implementation of curriculum. Ensure individual curricula offers for each learner are fit for purpose and that they promote cohesive opportunities for progression. Promote a culture and practices that enable all pupils to access the curriculum. Have ambitious expectations for all pupils regardless of their needs and complexities. Make sure the school works effectively with parents, carers and professionals to identify additional needs and provides support and adaptation where appropriate. Ensure the therapy offer enables all learners are able to access and benefit from the curriculum. Track and analyse pupil performance data. The Pastoral Deputy Head The Pastoral Deputy Head will: Plan and implement interventions for those pupils who are not progressing. Provide training and support for teachers and support staff on effectively administering the assessment system. Establish and implement whole-school systems for developing pupil wellbeing. Conduct pupil voice surveys to ensure they feel happy and safe in school, championing the importance of pupil voice to other members of the senior leadership team. Provide staff with training and support so they can play a part in enhancing pupils’ personal development.