Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

39 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 As IEP targets are very much part of the curriculum offer, they are formally reviewed at least twice per year, more frequent assessments also take place. Progress made towards the IEP targets is measured through Overley Hall’s CPG assessment system wherever possible. This ensures targets are measured in relation to engagement, independence and the generalisation of skills across different contexts These are considered to be important areas to develop and ones that will help provide a better quality of life as an adult. Roles and Responsibilities The Governing Board The Governing Board will monitor the effectiveness of this policy and ensure strategic support is provided to further enhance impact. They will ensure the school is providing a "broad and balanced curriculum" which: Includes opportunities to experience linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical and aesthetic and creative education which enable all pupils to learn and make progress. Allows pupils to acquire speaking, listening, literacy and numeracy skills. Provides personal, social, health, economic and religious education that reflects the school’s aims and ethos. Encourages respect for other people, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics. Gives access to accurate, up-to-date careers guidance, presented in an impartial manner from year 8 onwards. Ensures ‘Pupil Voice’ is very much respected, promoted and valued, working towards independent thinking and choice making, in preparation for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in British society. Offers a quality provision to pupils regardless of ability or need across all key stages; ensuring everyone has opportunities for accredited learning, enhancing knowledge and skills relevant for future life. Encourages participation in decision-making about the breadth and balance of the curriculum.