Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

36 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 After completing the Overley journey, have achieved individually outstanding end points, with reduced anxiety and enhanced key life skills across different curricular areas. Be better equipped for their next destination and able to use a more ‘functional level of communication’ across different contexts and settings. Have an individual toolbox of communication skills that enable choice, expression, emotional development, personal awareness and a greater level of understanding around right and wrong. Have gained greater ability to regulate their emotions, think more independently and solve problems with reduced reliance on others. Be able to successfully transition into the next chapter in their life, having had extensive opportunities to build resilience and tolerance, to become more accepting of differences and to achieve greater harmony. On their journey through school, they will have experienced what it feels like to thrive, and will have gained confidence, self-awareness, pride and contentment whilst encountering success. Be more effective at interacting positively with others, being kind, safe and friendly. Leave more able to manage unexpected change and make transitions both large and small with less support. Be ready to engage in work based activities, centred around interests and strengths, be able to give enhanced joint attention and be more willing to function as part of a team. Have gained a deeper understanding of skills and knowledge related to relevant subject disciplines, with improved generalisation and diminishing levels of support. Leave, whilst accessing a more inclusive and productive life, positively contributing to society, making meaningful contributions within their local community with a love for learning and achievement.