Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

27 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Careers The development of vocational knowledge and skills is embedded throughout the curriculum offer and commences from the point our young people arrive at Overley Hall School. This vocational emphasis grows sequentially as they progress across key stages. Part of our offer includes a Careers Programme which has been written for individual class groups rather than just year groups. This programme links directly to an individual group’s aptitude and stage of learning with respect to age appropriate resources. Each programme is made up of activities linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks. The Careers programme can be found on the Overley Hall website. We strongly believe in preparing our students for life beyond Overley Hall School and our commitment is demonstrated in the Provider Access Policy Statement which can be found on the Overley Hall website. We closely adhere to the statutory guidance set out by the DFE and Independent School Standards. Overley Hall provides independent and impartial advice and support for our students, their parents and other key stakeholders. Our careers offer aims to provide: Greater understanding of different careers and the world of work. New skills and the development of positive attitudes towards vocational activities. Increased motivation, self-confidence and participation. Stronger links with employers and local providers. Parents with support and advice to ensure smooth transitions, including knowledge about local/specialist providers for life beyond Overley Hall. Access to a wide range of career focused events and activities. A broad range of information sources, details of which can be found in the careers library. Students with opportunities to visit the library with guidance to access a range of differentiated resources. Independent careers information, advice and guidance (CEIAG).