Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

25 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Communication and Language is also seen as a main priority at Overley Hall School. Deficits in this area can ultimately lead to frustration, anxiety and can bring about challenging behaviour. To ensure safety in future years, the ability to express preferences and feelings is essential. We therefore offer opportunities throughout the curriculum to develop ‘pupil voice’. Our practice is very much guided by our Speech and Language therapy and Clinical departments. Work is often accredited through AQA Unit Awards, Life and Living Skills Diploma and/or Equals Moving On. Great emphasis is placed throughout our IEPs, on developing effective communication to enable independent living as much as possible. Community Inclusion (and participation) We recognise that the subjects alone are unlikely to provide the complete range of experiences and practical opportunities our learners need to make connections and generalise their skills and understanding. Real life learning is a very important part of our curriculum where basic steps start in the heart of school and lead to greater connections with communities and wider environments. Through this area, knowledge and skills can be generalised to ‘real life’ learning and experiences beyond the classroom. We encourage the development of positive and safe decision making as well as exploring opportunities related to the wider world and what could be available beyond Overley. We take pride in providing the cultural capital to raise aspirations, self-confidence and self-esteem. Vocational This broad area of Vocational learning is aimed at providing opportunities across the curriculum to develop transferrable life and social skills that support careers, employability and enterprise. We support the development of ‘pupil voice’ and active involvement in decisions that affect students’ futures, both individually and collectively. We work closely with Future Focus who lead our programmes of study and provide information, advice and guidance to staff, parents, relevant professionals and students. This area can also be an extension of subject disciplines where skills and knowledge can again become more generalised or accredited through AQA or OCR. World Exploration