Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

23 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Physical Covering all aspects of physical education, as well as the development of fine and gross motor skills the Occupational Therapy Team develop sensory diet recommendations. Their aim is to reduce barriers to learning and to allow greater access to the curriculum, including activities and inclusion within the wider community. This area also includes opportunities to be physical, whilst positively encouraging movement for exercise, mobility and regulation. Functional Learning Functional learning is fully integrated into the curriculum. We aim to make learning relevant and to provide ‘real-life’ experiences and learning that enable generalisation of skills or knowledge beyond the classroom. This also involves integrating the learning journey through our thematic approach. Making choices and positive decisions, thinking creatively and working as independently as possible is positively encouraged. All subject disciplines provide rich opportunities to further develop functional skills. However, the subjects alone are unlikely to provide the complete range of experiences and practical opportunities our learners need to make connections and generalise their skills and understanding. Understanding the world To help pupils begin to make sense of the world around them, learning is offered through the learners being totally hands-on and finding out things for themselves. The focus for this area is mainly but not exclusively related to Science, Humanities and Computing (through games and play). These areas can develop observation skills, prediction and critical thinking. Creativity Creativity is an integral part of our curriculum whereby learners are given opportunities to express choice, to demonstrate independent thinking and to have preferences. Creative opportunities include play, Art, Design and Technology, Music, Food Technology and English and Drama. These subjects cultivate the imagination and encourage the skills of thinking differently and flexibly. Creativity is a great area for encouraging group work, sharing, turn-taking, tolerance of differences and selfawareness.