Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

22 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Implementation: The Curriculum across Key Stages Key stage 2 and 3: Our Broad Areas for Learning Communication and language Communication and Language is seen as a priority, as deficits in this area ultimately lead to frustration, anxiety and bring about challenging behaviour. To ensure safety in future years, the ability to express preference and feelings is essential, therefore we offer opportunities throughout the curriculum to develop ‘pupil voice’. Our practice is very much guided by our speech and language therapy and clinical department. Feelings and keeping safe Given the vulnerability of our learners, emphasis is placed on the area of learning relating to feelings and staying safe. Pupils learn about friendships, relationships and how to stay safe and healthy. They learn how to stay safe in school, within the community and online. Pupils are also given opportunities to develop economic wellbeing to support their ability to budget. They apply these skills when out shopping or helping to restock the tuck shop. School staff and the therapy team work cohesively to provide appropriate personalised support for pupils and develop programs to help regulation skills, self-awareness and interaction.