Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

16 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 Our Reflective Approach to Pedagogy, Standards and Curriculum Design Despite recognising that the some of the young people at Overley Hall may struggle to commit knowledge and skills to long term memory due to their complex learning disabilities, high standards of practice are considered vital as we hold the belief that each individual can succeed. In order to meet ambitious end point targets, it is important to maximise each learning opportunity or moment. Our self-evaluation includes reflecting on pedagogical approaches, the importance of quality instruction, generating a positive classroom climate and effective classroom management. To ensure these standards are met, our Continuous Professional Development (CPD) places emphasis on subject knowledge, teaching strategies, psychological development of children with and without complex needs, pedagogy and curriculum design. To achieve these high standards of teaching and learning, focus is placed around ‘engagement’ or how questioning (whether verbal or non-verbal) can be used to assess or to scaffold learning. We also recognise the importance of developing independent learning, responsive and adaptive practices, consistency and sequential understanding relating to individual subjects. Our Therapeutic Offer - The Crafting of Our Implementation Our school and therapy department adopt an integrated therapeutic approach. This links various elements of thinking to support the growth of each pupil. This approach can combine a wide range of interventions (see above for examples) that can vary in type and intensity dependent upon individual needs. Most of our learners greatly benefit from this multi-systematic therapy approach where a number of evidencebased therapies are applied concurrently. Many of our therapeutic interventions are delivered by our trained therapists, or by therapy assistants (under supervision). In addition, education staff tap into a wide range of therapeutic approaches and strategies across their implementation of the curriculum, enabled by training and guidance. These interventions initiate and support changes in behaviour as well as reduce barriers to learning. Opportunities arise as the