Overley Hall Curriculum Policy

10 Date updated: 25.08.2023 next review: 24.09.2024 At Overley Hall School British Values are not only highly respected, they are also heavily embedded within our Ethos and Curriculum aims. They are explored through spiritual, moral, social and cultural education and discretely promoted through Enrichment, Person Centred Development, Assemblies, PSHE and Citizenship. In order to enable access to such values, much emphasis is based around communication development. Learners are then enabled to access the world around them in a more meaningful way, being able to respond to stimuli in the immediate environment with the ability to express their needs and desires. The power of communication, leading to pupil ‘voice’ not only ensures expression of feelings or opinions but also enables independence and choice making as well as enhancing personal safety, confidence, involvement and the ability to contribute to wider aspects of society. Staff will gently nurture and explore various concepts and challenge ideas so that learners can develop understanding around key values such as right and wrong, rules and boundaries. Positive frameworks of interaction are offered to reduce conflict and promote friendships and vocational contributions to build community cohesion. Not only are British Values heavily embedded in our Ethos and Curriculum aims, they are also the basis of our Curriculum Drivers which steer the planning of activities, events, experiences and learning opportunities which lead to positive outcomes. As highlighted above, communication is an integral aspect of not only working towards British Values but also independence, where learners are encouraged to develop their skills and so be able to more clearly express their needs and choices, or thoughts and ideas. These skills are further enhanced through activities related to English, whereby individually rich experiences of language expand a repertoire of knowledge for expression and understanding. In short, we recognise that communication is the vehicle that’s leads towards key life skills, personal safety and inclusion, where end points can be achieved. Communication Emotional Wellbeing